Here are 7 main things that you should know about Ebola (Source:World Health Organization):
- Ebola virus disease or EVD causes fatal illness in humans. Its first symptoms are fever fatigue, muscle pain, headache and sore throat. This common cold symptoms are then followed by vomiting, diarrhea, rash, impaired kidney and liver function, and in severe cases, both internal and external bleeding (gums and stool)
- Wild animals are the main carries of Ebola.
- Around 50% of infested people die of Ebola (the average is based on former outbreaks)
- EVD first outbreak occurred in Central Africa, near tropical rainforest. The 2014 outbreak took place in West Africa near major urban and rural areas
- Controlling Ebola outbreak is tough and requires community engagement. The main pillars of EVD control are surveillance, timely tracing, good laboratory service, safe burial procedures and population involvement
- There is no treatment for Ebola but early detection can minimize deaths. Rehydration is the main form of keeping Ebola patients alive
- There are 2 potential vaccines for Ebola but they are currently under testing
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