11.11.2011 is a nice looking date. If we add 11:11 A.M. or P.M. to 11.11.2011 date then dozens of so called prophets will come and say "the end of the world is here" or "we are doomed". Until now nothing remotely close to Steven Spilberg's "Apocalypse Now" has happened and I'm sure it will not happen soon.
Doomsday talk is a away of distracting people from everyday problems. Hey, if the world ends tomorrow 80% of the population will feel debt free. This is the issue. In the last couple of years people have accumulated so much debt that they see doomsday like liberating day. So it is no wonder why the media feeds us with nonsense news like end of days mambo jumbo. In a dark funny way I think they are trying to show us the light at the end of the debt burden tunnel.
This is not the solution! There are a lot of ways to get out of debt. The most important rule is to stop spending money on useless things and start doing simple jobs yourself. For example why pay someone to moan your lawn when you can spend a few hours every two weeks to do this yourself. Why buy a new TV just because your old one is not so black or not so flat as that LED you saw on that commercial (funny on your old TV). It's funny how old things sell new things and how easily we get bored with what we have. It's called progress I now. But when you see that your wallet doesn't keep up with what's out there I think you should take a breath and think twice before engaging in another shopping spree session.
Here is a documentary that it's worth watching to understand why things have gone out of hand. It is called The Light Bulb Conspiracy.
Enjoy the documentary and try keeping you money in your pocket!!!
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