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Researchers found that the resources consumed in nine months exceed those naturally replaced by the planet in 12-months. In other words, humans, the main "beneficiaries" of the planet, deliberately destroy their "home". And this is devastating. By 2030 humanity will need a new earth.
The 7 billion people in 2011 will become 9 billion by mid-century and will "eat" all planet’s resources. In short, Earth resources will end.
"The situation we face today is like the financial crisis. Mankind has borrowed too much and now cannot pay the monthly rate," said Mathis Wackernagel, a researcher who has studied this phenomenon.
The largest resource consumer is U.S. If everyone were to adopt the American lifestyle - two cars, big houses, high energy consumption - then mankind would need five planets Earth to keep going.
At the opposite end is India, where consumption is very low, thus creating a balance.
Let’s stop wasting resources!!!