Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Another Earth is needed by 2030
A recent study, quoted by Associated Press reveals worrying conclusions for mankind. Soon we will enter into "ecological bankruptcy."

Researchers found that the resources consumed in nine months exceed those naturally replaced by the planet in 12-months. In other words, humans, the main "beneficiaries" of the planet, deliberately destroy their "home". And this is devastating. By 2030 humanity will need a new earth.
The 7 billion people in 2011 will become 9 billion by mid-century and will "eat" all planet’s resources. In short, Earth resources will end.
"The situation we face today is like the financial crisis. Mankind has borrowed too much and now cannot pay the monthly rate," said Mathis Wackernagel, a researcher who has studied this phenomenon.

The largest resource consumer is U.S. If everyone were to adopt the American lifestyle - two cars, big houses, high energy consumption - then mankind would need five planets Earth to keep going. 
At the opposite end is India, where consumption is very low, thus creating a balance.

Let’s stop wasting resources!!!

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Occupy Wall Street movement

Here you can watch live stream from New York. Protest becomes violent. The police has closed the park half an hour ago. No one was allowed to go in or come out. A guy named Brandon aka Romania was beaten and taken by the police. People were yelling "Free Romania". The funny thing is that most of the interviewed people thought that Romania was a nonsense nickname. Now things seem to be back to normal. People are now peacefully protesting in Zuccotti Park.

Friday, 11 November 2011

Apocalypse Now

11.11.2011 is a nice looking date. If we add 11:11 A.M. or P.M. to 11.11.2011 date then dozens of so called prophets will come and say "the end of the world is here" or "we are doomed". Until now nothing remotely close to Steven Spilberg's "Apocalypse Now" has happened and I'm sure it will not happen soon.

Doomsday talk is a away of distracting people from everyday problems. Hey, if the world ends tomorrow 80% of the population will feel debt free. This is the issue. In the last couple of years people have accumulated so much debt that they see doomsday like liberating day. So it is no wonder why the media feeds us with nonsense news like end of days mambo jumbo. In a dark funny way I think they are trying to show us the light at the end of the debt burden tunnel.

This is not the solution! There are a lot of ways to get out of debt. The most important rule is to stop spending money on useless things and start doing simple jobs yourself. For example why pay someone to moan your lawn when you can spend a few hours every two weeks to do this yourself. Why buy a new TV just because your old one is not so black or not so flat as that LED you saw on that commercial (funny on your old TV). It's funny how old things sell new things and how easily we get bored with what we have. It's called progress I now. But when you see that your wallet doesn't keep up with what's out there I think you should take a breath and think twice before engaging in another shopping spree session.  

Here is a documentary that it's worth watching to understand why things have gone out of hand. It is called The Light Bulb Conspiracy.

Enjoy the documentary and try keeping you money in your pocket!!!

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Remember, remember the 5th of November

According to a CNN news, today, November 5th, a group of protestants will be marching on Parliament in central London. This protest marks the peoples' growing anger towards corporate greed, sate power and social inequality. Some of the protesters are expected to be wearing the Guy Fawkes masks that have become a symbol of anti-greed protests.
Guy Fawkes was one of the persons behind the Gunpowder Plot that took place in 1605 in London,  a conspiracy put tougher by a group of English Catholics led by Robert Catesby who planned to remove the Protestant government of the country by blowing up the House of Parliament while king James I was inside.

Acting together protects individuals from being silenced !!!