There are many ways for independent contractors to successfully market themselves and their services such as print ads, Yellow Pages or billboards. However, the best way today is a website that provides potential customers with all sorts of interesting information.
First and foremost, you should be very specific why your company or service is far superior to what most contractors have to offer. Point out your qualities: years of experience and/or education, well trained staff, pick-up and delivery services, rapidity in fulfilling the contracts. This is the section where you can openly boast.
Photographs are a viable way to describe what you do. For example, if you offer custom framing, take some pictures of your most unique work and place them on your website. Potential customers are always stimulated by visual aids.
If you’re not selling products appropriate for photographs, don’t worry you can use "props" to make your website design more interesting. Remember, in the end your goal is to capture their attention before other contractors do it.
Through your website, make sure you maintain a high level of quality regarding your products or services. Steer away from anything negative at all cost and never mock the business of other contractors. Such an approach will definitely not be appreciated by your customers.
Keeping your website simple and easy to navigate is the key. A FAQ section is a must for explaining most asked questions. For example, how much are the charges for working hours or for shipping.
When dealing with customers through a website, keep in mind that the customer is always right even if he or she will bring into discussion the services of other contractors. It’s important that you remain diplomat and aware that in the end your place among contractors will be determined by your customers.